
Most of us lead very busy lives which means sometimes making healthy choices can seem too difficult or time consuming to consider. But the principles of healthy eating apply wherever you eat. Reprinted with permission from the Dietitians of Canada.

10 Tips to healthy eating

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.

Fat Facts and Fiction: The Skinny on Dietary Fat and Lower-Fat Foods

With all of the attention to fat, one would think that people are pretty well versed on the subject. Nevertheless, misconceptions about fat-especially about reduced-fat foods and their role in the diet-pop up frequently in conversations and articles on health. Here, with the help of some nutrition and food experts, are the facts with which to combat the "myth-information" about dietary fats and low-fat foods.

Balancing Snacking with Physical Activity for a Healthy Lifestyle

Balancing work, family life, and leading a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. In addition to fitting all of your responsibilities into the day, it's important to eat nutritious, tasty meals, and to include regular physical activity to help you look and feel your best. The American Dietetic Association.

Drink Up!

Many people are unaware of the critical importance of drinking plenty of fluid while exercising or engaging in an athletic event. Adequate liquid intake and retention are significant for more than prime performance. Food Insight & International Food Information Council NewsBites.

The Art of Eating Well

It doesn't take a gourmet chef to prepare nutritious meals that look as good as they taste. Even novice cooks can practice the art of a spectacular food presentation with a few simple tricks.

Making Ground Beef Leaner

How much fat is removed from ground beef by draining and rinsing it? Does this method remove important nutrients? American Institute for Cancer Research

Eat Like A Kid!

Ever notice how small children only eat when they're hungry? Or turn their noses up at anything that tastes bad? Or push their plates away as soon as they're full? We adults have gone way off course with all of our wacky dieting and bingeing. Discover what we can learn from the eating habits of small children. by: Renee Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

20 Questions About Vegetarianism

Vegetarian diets are rapidly gaining in popularity. They can reduce the risk of many common diseases, promote weight loss, and help the enviornment. However, myths and misinformation still abound. If you're thinking about making the switch it's important to have accurate information. Let's take a look at some of the most common questions about vegetarianism. by Renee Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

Healthy Cooking Secrets

A healthy eating plan doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your favorite foods or give up flavor. All that's needed is a little adjustment, an open mind, and an experimental spirit. Try some of these tips when preparing your favorite home-cooked meals to make them lower in fat and more healthful. by: Vicki R. Pierson, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

Alter Cooking Instructions For Less Fat

Learn how to take out the fat from some of your favorite commercially packaged dishes and be able to calculate the new fat content.

Healthy Eating Based on the Food Guide Pyramid

Lean how easy it is have sound, nutritional eating habits! The food guide pyramid allows you to fuel your body with all the essential elements it requires. by: Renee Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

Stress and Nutrition

Busy schedules can send stress levels soaring. What does stress have to do with diet? Plenty. When tensions get worse in one aspect of life, it's not unusual for other areas to seem worse too. This can lead to a breakdown in behavior normally under control, such as the diet. With small positive steps, however, that destructive cycle can be broken.

Athletes Fuel Up For Fitness

Whether you are a world class athlete or an exercise enthusiast, nutrition is fundamental to fitness. A varied, moderate, and balanced eating plan that supplies the right amount of nutrients and energy is essential for achieving and maintaining strength, flexibility, and endurance.