What does fitness mean to you? Is it a way of life? A far away dream? A constant struggle? Is it about joy and pleasure, or deprivation and punishment? The way you view the process can determine your level of success. by Renee Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Battling Boredom
Are you finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning for your daily walk and making up excuses to skip the gym on the way home? Even the most dedicated exercisers occasionally get bored with their routine. Waning motivation, cutting workouts short and not having your old enthusiasm all are signs of a stale exercise regimen.
Fitting Fitness In
One of the most popular excuses for failing to work out is not having enough time. Are you really so busy it is impossible to squeeze in exercise? On the other hand, is it more likely your time is spent on things that are not top priorities for you? If you frequently use time as an excuse for missing workouts, here are some ways to see if that is really the case.
Fitness On The Go
Does the increase in your frequent flier miles seem to correlate with the increase in your waistline? If your job involves a great deal of travel, you may be all too familiar with the effect a busy schedule can have on your exercise program. With a bit of planning, you can fit short exercise sessions into your busy schedule.
Shaking Up Your Weight Traning
When it comes to working out, many of us are creatures of habit. We do what we know. We stick with what's familiar and comfortable pattern. The catch is that if you always do the same thing the same way, your body will adapt and your results will grind to a half. This is especially true to strength training, where you need to keep your body guessing if you want to keep seeing results. Here are some techniques for breaking through strength training plateaus and keep the results coming by: Reness Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Pick a Compatiable Fitness Partner
If you've ever worked out with a fitness partner you don't need scientific studies to tell you that it's one of the most powerful motivators to help you stick to a fitness program. If you're looking for a compatible fitness partner, here are some guidelines to keep in mind. by: Vicki Pierson, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Starting An Exercise Program
If you're considering putting an exercise program together it's perfectly normal to have a lot of questions swimming around in your head. What's the best activity to participate in? How do I get the most out of exercising? How long should I exercise? Often, the hardest part of getting into shape is taking the first step. Here are some simple steps to help you begin your journey. by: Vicki Pierson, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Strength Training Basics
If you're just getting started. it's easy to become confused by all of the anatomical terms and gym jargon. We'd like to fill in the gap by giving you the foundation of any safe and effective strength training routine. You'll learn the names of the major muscle groups and the exercises that target them, the difference between sets and reps, the elements of proper form, and the basics of frequency and progression. by: Renee Cloe, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Making Fitness Fun for Kids!
Do your children spend more time inside the house watching television or playing computer games than they spend playing outside? Do you know that motivating your children to be active not only improves their health and well-being now, but may also benefit heir health later in life? Learn how to make fitness fun for kids!
Exercise Errors
Are you making mistakes when you exercise that make your workout ineffective? Or worse yet, are you doing things that could lead to costly injuries? Whether you're a veteran or novice at exercising you need to be sure you're getting the best workout possible.
Cardio Kickboxing Safety Tips
Some of the hottest new workouts combine kickboxing moves with more traditional aerobics for a cardiovascular one two punch. If you're new to this type of class, the potential for injury can be high. These safety tips will help to minimize your chances of injury and increase the effectiveness of your workout.
Cardiovascular Machine Workouts
For those of you beginning your fitness program, we understand that getting acquainted with all the various forms of cardio equipment can be a bit daunting. So, we've put together some beginning workouts on various machines to help you get started.
Walking With Weights
Looking to add intensity to your walking workout and vary your routine? Walking with weights may be worth considering to improve your cardiovascular conditioning and help you strengthen your upper body. by: Vicki R. Pierson, ACE Certified Personal Trainer.
Super Step Safety
The question of whether step exercise is a safe, low-impact training activity has been the subject of a tremendous amount of research. This article was written for aerobic instructors, but if you participate in super step classes, you'll want to read this. by: Maureen Rae, RN OFC ACE AFAA and GoodLife Certified.
Benefits of a Fitness Partner
Does the thought of getting up off the sofa to do your workout clothes leave you felling less than motivated? If so, maybe all you need is a fitness partner! by: Vicki R. Pierson, ACE Certified Personal trainer.
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